
Welcome to The Mug, coworking on a human scale! Our mission: to offer you an accessible workplace, both geographically and financially. Our spaces, in Brussels and Enghien, are open 365 days a year. You get coffee and access to meeting rooms for free.

The Mug Schuman

The ideal place to work in a friendly and productive environment! A 6-storey corner townhouse in the heart of the European Quarter.

Flagey Homepage

The Mug Flagey

Occupy one of the 60 desks and enjoy the whole package: mail service, meeting rooms and a view on la Cambre abbey!

Coworking The Mug Enghien

The Mug Enghien

Skip the commute to the capital and ramp up your productivity at The Mug Enghien, located in the Grand-Place.

Le Phare du Kanaal

Le Phare du Kanaal

A coworking-café by the Brussels canal to sail through your projects. Be ready for the south-facing terraces and the seasonal menu.

0 Active members

Freelancers, employees, entrepreneurs, graphic designers, journalists, architects, teachers, coaches... And you soon?

0 Coworkings

4 coworkings, 1 restaurant, 2 cities. A garden in Enghien and Flagey, terraces in Schuman and Le Phare…

Welcome home!

The Mug makes your life easier by offering professional services in a friendly atmosphere
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